Fitness Friday: One Tough “Tookie”
Joey just hit the big 1-8! That’s right- he’s officially 18 months old, or halfway to 2! It’s amazing how quickly he is growing. And yes, currently his favorite word is “tookie” short for cookie, which he calls almost every food he eats. How thrilled am I that as a nutrition professional all my son requests to eat day in and day out are “tookies” 🙂 Luckily, when he requests a “tookie” it can mean anything from a cracker to a fruit!
Now that he is getting so mature, Joey has been showing signs that he’s about ready to start a career in personal training. He’s getting just a little too big to wear (although he still loves it so we do it for fun at times), so we’ve had to adjust our exercise routine together. My newest strategy is using him as added resistance, and since he is almost 24 pounds now, it’s pretty effective.
He’s loves to jumping on my back when I sit down lately, so I have started to use this to my advantage. I’ve trained him to sit on my back and hold onto my shirt so we can do push-ups and planks together. Now an extra 24 pounds on your back during a push-up or plank can tire you out pretty quick. So, after about 5 rounds of 10 push-ups, I was ready to take a break. But did Joey think it was time for me to rest? No way! He jumped back on and kept yelling “up” at me. I swear, I think he’s tougher than Shawn T.
So if anyone is in need of a personal trainer, we are renting Joey out by the hour. Hey, we have to build up that college fund somehow right? 🙂
If you are looking for an effective and fun Mommy & Me workout, try our routine:
- 10 slow pushups with baby on back
- 30 second rest
- 30 second plant with baby on back
- 30 second rest
- 10 pushups at a moderate pace with baby on back
- 30 second rest
- 30 second plank slowly rocking hips side to side to engage obliques with baby on back
- 30 second rest
- 10 slow pushups with baby on back
Trust me- you will be tired!!
Note: Just have baby watch if they are not old enough to hold on or too heavy to perform this exercise safely!