There But For the Grace of God…


That is a saying my mom has always said when we learn about something terrible or tragic happening. Why do some people face such awful hardships and adversity? Only God knows. This week, my cousin introduced me to a little girl named Emma. She is the beautiful 9 month old daughter of her college friend. This precious little baby is suffering from cancer and has started to fight the toughest battle of her young life. Her parents have been posting updated on her condition on her YouCaring page  and my heart breaks each time I read them. When I look at my healthy, active, precious son, I am so incredibly blessed. It’s stories like Emma’s that make us all sit back and really be thankful for what we have and appreciate every aspect of every day.

It doesn’t matter what your religion is or what you believe in. What matters is that we don’t take our health or our lives for granted. Embracing every day, loving those around you, and being thankful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t is really what matters. If you can, please take a moment to send prayers or positive thoughts to Emma and her family as well as every other family out there dealing with a child fighting to overcome an illness or disease. If you are able, consider donating to help them with their medical expenses. But just knowing that you are supporting them in their fight against this horrid disease will help to give this adorable little fighter the strength she and her family need to keep going, conquer cancer, and continue to lead the healthy and happy life she deserves.

Hug your little one extra hard tonight, I know I will be as well.

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