
An Open Letter to the Parents of Honey-Rae: Why Being Different Is a Blessing

Dear Tanya and Adam, When I read about the beautiful display of love you showed for your daughter by tattooing your legs, it brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful gift to show your daughter that her birthmark makes her special and unique! As an adult woman who has a port-wine birthmark that covers…

The Woes of a Lollipop Kid

The Woes of a Lollipop Kid

No, I’m not talking about the “lollipop kids” from the Wizard of Oz. I have my own version of a little lollipop at home – my giant headed baby! Since he was born, Joey has a huge head. I don’t think when you look at him his head looks abnormally large, but when you look…

Superfood for SuperBabies- Mom’s Pantry Product Review

Superfood for SuperBabies- Mom’s Pantry Product Review

Trader Joe’s Spinach Kale Bites Spinach and kale are known as superfoods for a variety of reasons. They both are packed full of disease fighting antioxidants. In addition, they are great sources of nutrients such as iron, vitamin C, and calcium. Although these two foods offer many health benefits, it can be hard at times…

Kitchen Mania Monday: Celebrate American Heart Month with Whole Grain Bruschetta Pizza

Kitchen Mania Monday: Celebrate American Heart Month with Whole Grain Bruschetta Pizza

February is American Heart Month, so it’s the perfect time to get your whole family on board with eating their way to a healthier heart. One of my favorite ways to do this is by taking “less healthy” foods that we all love and tweaking the recipe to make them meals that not only taste…