New Year… New Goals… New Baby

Happy New Year! I love this time of year because it always feels like a fresh start. I like to spend some time reflecting on the past year to think about accomplishments I am proud of and what I would like to do differently in the coming year. I’m not one for setting resolutions, because I feel l tend to push those aside after a few weeks. Instead, I am opting to choose a ‘word of the year’ and focusing my efforts into making sure all of my goals and intentions throughout the year keep my word in mind.
For 2019, my word of the year is ‘RELAX.’ That sounds like of lazy doesn’t it? Don’t worry…I won’t be kicking back with my feet up on the couch for the whole year. Instead, I chose this word because it is something that I never do. I am always focused on the next thing to do, the next goal to set, what still hasn’t been completed… and the list goes on. If I just take a few minutes to sit back and focus on what I have actually accomplished and relax a bit about what is still ahead, I feel like I will be a much happier, less stressed person and a more enjoyable person to be around.

There’s another big reason I need to focus on the word ‘RELAX’ this coming year. We will be welcoming baby #3 this coming May and as exciting as that is, it will also bring with it a lot more craziness as well. With a preschooler, a toddler, and a newborn on the way, I know 2019 will be exciting, fun, but also chaotic. And I want to just embrace it, to accept that I am enough, and to realize I can’t get everything I want to get done accomplished all the time…so I just need to relax and enjoy the journey.
So here’s to a fun, exciting, healthy New Year full of surprises ahead. Let’s all relax and enjoy the journey together. And if you get some time this week, try reflecting a bit on what your word for 2019 should be- and make sure to share it will me. Maybe we can hold each other accountable because I am sure, come May, I will need some help remembering to relax!
Cheers to a happy & healthy 2019!
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