There’s Even Poop on His Head!

IMG_3075Poop- it’s not something I discussed much prior to having Joey. It wasn’t ever a topic of conversation or anything I chose to give much thought to. However, after having Joey, poop became part of many of my adult conversations, whether I wanted it to or not. “How much did the baby poop today?” “What do you mean he hasn’t pooped all day?” “Is that color of poop normal?” “Is that a new noise he learned to make or is he pooping?” “How can such a small person poop so much?” “What the HELL did he eat?!” and the list goes on and on.

One word of advice I would give any new parent- if your baby has yet to poop, and you expect him to in the next few hours, don’t dress him in an outfit that has to go over his head (or an outfit you like for that matter). This advice is especially important for babies with a history of diaper blowouts. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, as has my husband. The day I checked my phone and saw the text “he pooped…he pooped everywhere… there’s even poop on his head” did make me laugh hysterically. The poor guy was trying to take off the poopy onesie and it got everywhere. I think this is why he hates onesies and won’t put them on Joey anymore. To be honest, I feel like this is my scissors were invented- just cut that sucker off and say goodbye to it. Sometimes, it’s just not worth salvaging.

But hey, pooping is a sign of a healthy baby, so I’ll take it. It’s just another part of life as a parent 🙂

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