
Friday Fitness Challenge- Wall Squats

If you have ever performed a wall squat, you know that they are tough! Your quads start burning and you feel like you may fall over. But if you stick with it, the gains in strength and muscles are well worth it! That’s why this Friday I challenge you to a full week of wall squats.

The challenge, if you choose to accept it- perform a wall squat for a total of two minutes per day, every day this week.

You don’t have to hold one wall squat for a full two minutes (if you can- that’s awesome). Instead, break it up into small amounts throughout the day. Start with squatting against the wall for 15 seconds, take a short break, and repeat three more times. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening. As the week progresses, challenge yourself to hold each squat a little longer. Build from 4- 15 second squats to 3- 20 second squats. And then two 30 second squats. Keep building and you may find yourself holding a squat for a full minute or more my the end of the week!

How will you fit in your #WallSquatChallenge this week?

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